Episode 26. Adult Circumcision

This week on Talk Sex With Dick, Dr. Richard Mills hears a story of a man who shares his experiences with masturbation, sexual pain and undergoing adult circumcision.


While in Los Angeles, I interviewed a man named Peter.  He was open to share with the world his experiences and decision to undergo adult circumcision, at 21 years of age.Awaked to the age of puberty he began to realize there was something wrong when he would experience painful erections – explaining how his foreskin was fused to the head of his penis,

Growing up in an Armenian household he found it extremely difficult, because he couldn’t have conversations about his body, and didn’t have the language or word for “foreskin” to communicate the discomfort he was experiencing – to his parents.

From this account, he explains how masturbation and sex in particular was extremely painful.  In detail he described the difficulties of having intercourse –  “excruciating painful” and describing how the physical sensation and motion felt like his foreskin was ripping off his penis whenever he’d masturbate or have sex.

After nearly a decade of dealing with this unbearable pain, he decided to undergo surgery to have his foreskin removed – adult circumcision.

In detail, he describes preparing for the surgery and the recovery process.

While the procedure of circumcision appeared easy, the recovery process was “extremely painful.”  Every time he achieved an erection in his sleep, he would wake up wondering if the stitches had come undone, which occurred at times and he suffered penial bleeding.

Peter explained how even though he went through adult circumcision, he would never have his future children circumcised – after attending a social distance campfire gathering, where a doctor explained the inhumane process that infant boys are subjected to.

The cost of circumcision outweighs the benefits, when examining his own experiences. Peter is clear to clarify that while he experienced his own challenges related to being uncircumcised, his experiences are not universal to everyone who is intact.

One thing he did mention is that after the surgery, he noticed a decreased sensitivity in his penis.

The conclusion he and I reached was this – it is the responsibility of parents to educate their children about the body. In his own life he wonders if the conversations were had, might he not have experienced this complication in life.

Music for today’s episode is brought to you by Chauncey Dandridge (AKA DJ Chauncey D) and Van Hechter  “53 Christopher Street” available on Spotify.

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