This week on Talk Sex With Dick, Sex Therapist Dr. Richard Mills talks about learning to do love, testicular pain, coming out, transgender identity, racism and the concept of falling in love.
What’s going on in my gay world…
I talk about going to Asbury Park on Father’s Day, where we had lunch on the beach. While we were there we discovered Interwoven. This store has a wide variety of clothing, miscellaneous items and trinkets to make your life a better place. If you’re down in the area stop in and check out everything they have.
The Democratic Primary election took place this week! Going to vote, I noticed not a lot of people voting. While it is important to protest in the streets, we MUST let our voice be heard through voting. Congratulations to Zohran Mamdani for winning seat in the New York State Assembly
Recently, I finished bingeing the second season of The Politician on Netflix. This series is entertaining. I talk about how it is a MUST watch!
This week marks a year since Bob Noodle was adopted. Happy Anniversary Bob! Al, on the other hand, had an initial consultation to get his teeth pulled.
I discuss COVID-19 anxiety and the importance to check-in with our mental health. I recommended limiting the amount of news we intake, as the news induce symptoms of anxiety.
Recently, I’ve been posting Fun Facts and Sex Quotes about sex. Check us out on Instagram!!!
Before answering questions from listeners about testicular pain, coming out, transgender identity, racism and the concept of falling in love — I talk about what is going on in the news.
In the News…
This week on Talk Sex With Dick, I explore what is going on in the world!
According to ABC Eyewitness News, there are rumors circulating that Stonewall is in danger of shutting down. They’ve been shut done for the past three months due to COVID-19. Stonewall has created a fundraiser on GoFundMe. People around the country can donate to help this business survive – CLICK HERE to find out how you can help!
The Advocate tells a heart wrenching story about a man in his 90s who came out of the closet in his autobiography, and how even today he is looking for his long lost love.
The BBC, reported Ritchie Torres and Mondaire Jones are the first two openly gay Black members of Congress. Congrats to you both!
It seems like this week Donald Trump just can’t get a break! In a 6 to 3 ruling decision the US Supreme Court backs federal protection for LGBT workers. SCOUTS also blocked Trump’s racist policy to end DOCA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals).
Questions from listeners….
The first question I answer comes from a man who called earlier this week. He expressed concern regarding testicular pain. He told me how he will begin to experience pain in his testicles if he does not masturbate. I recommended this caller to schedule an appointment with his doctor. Examining why this individual called a Sex Therapist and not a doctor, I began to think to myself. It is possible that to talk about things of a sexual nature, many people experience shame when discussing issues related to sex with a medical provider — especially, testicular pain.
Another listener wrote in feeling overwhelmed! They are transgender, but not out and are unable to live their authentic life. Working as an analyst during the day, they wonder what would happen if they decided to come out. Examining the coming out process, I direct them to visit GLADD where they can find a number of resources for transgender individuals, or see a Sex Therapist.
The next listener writes to discuss the conflict they’re experiencing. They’ve been in an interracial relationship for the past 6 months. They’re concerned that if their parents found out they would be disowned, because their parents do not believe in interracial dating. I discuss how the issue is not dating outside of their race, rather their parent’s racist principles. I entourage this listener to examine their own privilege, racism and the importance of understanding what their partner might be feeling in this situation.
Finally, the last listener writes about how they want to be in a relationship and find love, but after hooking up they begin to reject their lovers. While want to fall in love, they realize deep down difficult to fully engage in it. I discuss and explore how before we can begin to fall in love with someone else, we must first begin to fall in love with ourselves.
And other stuff…
Music for today’s episode is brought to you by Chauncey Dandridge (AKA DJ Chauncey D) and Van Hechter “53 Christopher Street” available on Spotify.
If you have a burning question to ask a Sex Therapist or would like to be a guest on Talk Sex With Dick feel free to Contact Us!
To hear todays episode click on the audio stream below: