Episode 29: Gay Pride 2020

This week on Talk Sex With Dick, NYC Sex Therapist Dr. Richard Mills talks about Voting, George Floyd, NYC Gay Pride 2020, Black Lives Matter Protest, meeting Suraj Patel, pegging, surviving rape, coming out, and desire discrepancy.

What’s Going On In My Gay World….

This week I revisit Episode 28: The Circumcision Party and how much fun I had recording that episode.  I tell the story of how I caught my cat Bob Noodle drinking out of the toilet this morning while the CatGenie was running.

During a recent walk to Long Island City I walked into a Vespa dealership. I’m now considering buying one, so I don’t have to ride the train after New York returns back to normal.

This year the New York State Primary Election will be held June 23rd.   I discuss the importance of voting not just in the Presidential Election but in every election.  I discuss my experience of voter apathy in 2016, and how I have made it my priority to vote local and state elections, which is also Gay Pride month.

I talk about how protesting is important and brings awareness to issues, however, it is even more important to vote and hold our elected officials accountable.

This past week I met Suraj Patel while taking a walk around Astoria.  Suraj is a Democrat running for congress in New York State. We discussed gay pride, the queer vote, the importance of monitory representation in Congress.

In the news according to Talk Sex With Dick…

In a recent article published by CNN, a New Jersey corrections officer was suspended and FedEx worker was fired after multiple times mocking the death of George Floyd and re-enacting his death at a Black Lives Matter protest.

The BBC reported the United Kingdom’s Parliament discusses making an official ban of LGBT conversion therapy.

I discuss a recent article published by NBC News who reported that the Trump administration is proposing a rule that would allow faith-based foster care and adoption agencies to continue getting taxpayer funding that would exclude LGBTQ families and others from their services based on religious beliefs.

Finally, I discuss Marsha P. Johnson’s valued contributions to the Stonewall Riots in 1969 and the gay rights liberation movement.  I discuss issues related to sex work, HIV and the importance of organizations like Housing Works, who are vital to the New York queer community.

While there will be no Pride parade this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NYC Pride has a listing of virtual events to celebrate the festivities.

Questions from Listeners…

One listener wrote about how they like pegging (being penetrated by a female with a dildo or another object) but wonders if this practice is “gay.”  I went into detail regarding this practice, and provided this listener an article by Men’s Health that discusses other men’s experiences who also enjoy pegging.

The next listener wrote in about a recent experience where she was raped in her hotel room while attending a party.  This listener feels shamed by the experience and is trying to make sense of what happened to her.  I discuss how if gone untreated could have long lasting negative impact on their life. I advised this listener to visit RAINN, as they can provide additional assistance to help guide her through this process.

Another listener recently came to the realization that after twenty years of marriage he is gay, however, wonders what would happen if he decided to tell his wife, wondering if he will lose his family. I talk about how this is extremely difficult and scary, that while sexual orientation is not a choice – it is his choice of what he will do with this.

The last listener is frustrated with their sex life.  After six months of not having sex, they recently caught their partner masturbating to porn.  They are unsure what they should do or how to address this.  They wonder why their partner is jerking off to porn and not having sex with them.

Music for today’s episode is brought to you by Chauncey Dandridge (AKA DJ Chauncey D) and Van Hechter  “53 Christopher Street” available on Spotify.

If you have a burning question or would like to be a guest on Talk Sex With Dick feel free to Contact Us!

To hear todays episode click on the audio stream below:

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