Episode 35: Does Size Really Matter: Dealing with A Curved Penis

Talk sex with Dick episode 35

This week on Talk Sex With Dick, NYC Sex Therapist Dr. Richard Mills talks about penis size, curved penis, Peyronie’s disease, pregnancy, open relationships, getting plowed during COVID.

What’s going on in my gay world…

This week I talk about the upcoming release of Afternoon at Bergdorf’s, a fictional book I’ve written, the experience of working with an editor, the storyline, and the upcoming future of its release.

My cat Al recently had to have emergency surgery to have six teeth removed.  After eight days of antibiotics, he’s fully recovered.

This Wednesday, I’ll be performing Stonewalls Freakout that will be held virtually. I’ll be reading an excerpt from Afternoon at Bergdorf’s.

It’s time to get out of the city – my partner, myself, and the fur kids are going to Road Island, where we will be visiting Martha’s Vineyard and Provence Town.  On the way, we will be listening to Taylor Swift’s newly released album Folklore, and listening to Mama Obama’s new podcast.

In the News:

The Advocate shares the recent release of  Mary Trump’s book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.  Interesting fun fact—she talks about her experiences of being a lesbian.  Recently taking a trip down to the Flatiron District in NYC, I stopped by 192 Books and picked up a copy.  While she is not a sponsor of this podcast, I am a fan.

Metro Weekly recently posted an article about Alex Duron who was accepted into the nursing program at Union University, is now on the outs. His admission has been revoked by the University because he is gay and engaged to a man, which apparently violates the University’s policies.

Also in the news, Forbes reported Indian Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil calls to see laws that ban conversion therapy enacted in India.

Questions from listeners…

A man wrote to me on Instagram concerned with his curved penis. Through our conversation, he asked if it was “normal” and “should I be concerned.”  I discuss how he should seek out advice from a medical professional.  This condition is known as Peyronie’s disease – when the penis is curved. Interestingly, this condition impacts 1 in every 10 men.  I talk about how if there’s no cause for concern, its important to understanding that everyone’s penis is different and something to be celebrated.

Another listener wrote in to discuss their concerns with having difficulty getting pregnant.  They’re concerned that there is something deeper going on.  They went to the doctor and their inability to get pregnant is not medically related.  I talk about how it’s important to stop and check-in with themselves and begin refocusing their attention on what their body is saying, and what is going on in the dynamic of their relationship and life.  I talk about how it’s important to ask ourselves what is happening, and how when the body is stressed it makes it difficult to get pregnant.

More questions…

The next listener shares about how their partner wants to open their relationship, but unsure if this is right for them.  I talk about a recent article I wrote that provides 10 Questions to Ask Before Opening Your Relationship. If after answering these questions the signs point to NO or your unable to fully address these, being in an open relationship might not be right for you.

The last listener talks about how they “want to get plowed” and are frustrated with the pandemic.  I discuss how different people have different comfort levels. This listener may have to take a step back, understand that it might not be in their stars – but may have to wait until COVID passes before letting their freak flag fly.

And other stuff…

Music for today’s episode is brought to you by Chauncey Dandridge (AKA DJ Chauncey D) and Van Hechter  “53 Christopher Street” available on Spotify

If you have a burning question to ask a Sex Therapist or would like to be a guest on Talk Sex With Dick and talk with Dr. Richard Mills feel free to Contact Us!

To hear today’s episode, click on the audio stream below:

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