Episode 37: Sex After An Injury

Talk Sex with Dick podcast episode 37

This week on Talk Sex With Dick, New York City Sex Therapist Dr. Richard Mills talks about having surgery on his wrist, what’s going on in the world, and ways to have a sex life after an injury.

What’s going on in my Gay World…

I talk about fracturing my wrist and having to go through surgery to have screws drilled in my wrist. I contemplated being sedated or staying awake during the surgery. While checking in for surgery, I tell the story how I was questioned by one nurse who interrogated me regarding the sip of water I’d had earlier that morning – but she was not there to hold my hand as I drifted off into Neverland. Regardless of the situation, I’ve been determined to remain active at the gym.

In the News

According to the New York  Times Donald Trump only paid $750 in taxes in 2016, and is in millions of dollars in debt. I discussed the recent nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court, which was a hotbed of COVID-19, as Donald J. Trump, his wife, and half of the White House staff has tested positive for COVID as pointed out in Politico.

Sex After an Injury…

Experiencing my own injury, I decided to explore the concept of injury and sex. Life Hacker discusses ways in which to have sex after dealing with an injury, while Business Insider talks about the most common injuries that occur while having sex.  Finally, I go on to explore Hello Rory, — the specific positions individuals can use/do if they’re experience challenges physically.

And other stuff…

Music for today’s episode is brought to you by Chauncey Dandridge (AKA DJ Chauncey D) and Van Hechter  “53 Christopher Street” available on Spotify.

If you have a burning question to ask a Sex Therapist or would like to be a guest on Talk Sex With Dick and talk with Dr. Richard Mills feel free to Contact Us!

To hear today’s episode, click on the audio stream below:

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